Company Introduction
Company Introduction

Be dear, love her with action

We all said the equality between men and women, but even now the so-called civilized era, women rarely enjoy equal social status with men.

Men and women because naturally have other physical structure, bearing the reproductive function in the society, will be treated differently when hiring, compared with men will lose a lot of employment opportunities; On physiological differences and the strength gap, let women in society has been in a weak; Due to the particularity of physical, female athletes should be affected by the most women, one of the physiological period, many inconvenience to have the choice of professional competitive spirit of female athletes have repeatedly through drug to overcome the inconvenience of the physical... Social injustice to women, not only in developing countries, even Europe and the United States and other developed countries, and there is still a woman's rights movement.

When all kinds of injustice to women phenomenon still exist in the society, we should starts from the minor matter, giving women more respect and love. Responsible for human settlements in Jiangsu Purity times kind brand Delia Ju said "in the past 20 years, she and her husband's enterprises have to provide the global 109 countries and regions of disposable sanitary products production line." Including Japan, the United States and Europe, there are a lot of enterprises in the use of the production line made in China to produce disposable hygiene products, including sanitary towels, diapers, etc -Jiangsu Purity which id the branch for JWC group is one of the largest research and development manufacturing enterprise. In total, said: "a lot of foreign enterprises made of our production line production of sanitary products, part of which export to China, I think it is time to use their own production line to produce a perfect product, this is also a transcendence. For my own" Gentle Caring sanitary napkin, chief officer zhangMeng experience as the Angle of female practitioners of entertainment, provides a lot of important information and inspiration for the brand.

In today's society, women still do efforts for affirmative action, also has a lot of men have to join the sport. Women as a private household products brand, times kind hope through technical innovation can reduce the women in the physiological period of trouble, more hope through the science popularization female physiological health knowledge, cause social of female employment and family life more attention and fair treatment.

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   400-828-5488
   + 86-517-86980777
 141# jinhu west road,jinhu,Huaian,Jiangsu Province

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