Jinhu: Zhang Zhiyong inspects the production status of JWC Group mask machine manufacturing

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-02-06      Origin: Site

Affected by the new coronavirus pneumonia, masks are currently the most indispensable necessities. The first-line hospitals to fight against the epidemic have gapped masks, the rear protects the staff with gapped masks, and residents have gapped masks in their lives. Our county JWC Group is an enterprise that produces mask production lines. This morning (6th), Zhang Zhiyong, secretary of the county party committee, came to the JWC Group to inspect the production of the enterprise on the spot. Wu Peikun, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Executive Deputy County Chief, Shen Qitao, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the Working Committee of the Development Zone, and Zhang Rongping, Deputy County Chief participated in the inspection together.

    In the workshop, workers are rushing to make mask production lines and install production equipment. No. 10 is expected to be officially produced. In addition to the production of population masks, the number of primary and secondary schools is currently being counted in order to produce child mask production lines to meet the needs of students to go to school and ensure the safety of students. According to the person in charge of the enterprise, the materials needed for the mask production line are concentrated in Shandong, Zhejiang and other places. Recently, high-speed roads in many cities have been closed. In order to allow the company to successfully purchase raw and auxiliary materials and spare parts for the production line, the county government A “passport” was issued specifically to the company to ensure that the company purchased a “green light.” Today, the materials purchased by the company have been able to produce 120-130 mask production lines. These production lines are put into production for one day, which will be enough for a medium-sized city residents to mask demand.

    After listening to relevant information and understanding the current problems of the company, Zhang Zhiyong pointed out that the current epidemic prevention and control situation is grim, and enterprises should continue to accelerate the progress of equipment production, installation and commissioning, and resume production as quickly as possible with a high degree of political responsibility and overall situation awareness. The county party committee and county government will give full support to help enterprises coordinate and solve various difficulties encountered in production, ensure that they are put into production as soon as possible, alleviate the current supply and demand problems in the mask market, and contribute to winning the prevention and control of the epidemic.


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